Jacqui Smith sued over shock jock accusations
Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, is being sued for defamation by a US "shock jock" barred from entering Britain.
The Telegraph
May 31, 2009
Radio host Michael Savage, real name Michael Weiner, is taking legal action after he was "named and shamed" on a Home Office list of undesirables earlier this month. Mr Savage's name figured on a list which also included former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard Stephen Donald Black, Hamas MP Unis Al-Astal, Jewish extremist Mike Guzovsky and American anti-gay Baptist pastor Fred Waldron Phelps.
Miss Smith will fight the action, the Home Office said yesterday.
The Home Office described Mr Savage, 67, as a "controversial daily radio host considered to be engaging in unacceptable behaviour by seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred which might lead to inter-community violence".
He has now instructed lawyers in London to sue Misss Smith for the "serious and damaging defamatory allegations".
The lawyers have written to the Home Secretary demanding "the payment of a substantial sum in damages to be agreed" and the publication of a press release to "include a retraction of the allegations".
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