Munich: Is this poster "inciting"?
by Michael Stürzenberger https://www.legal-project.org/4153/munich-is-this-poster-inciting At yesterday's rally FREEDOM on the routes to Munich there was to the poster "Imported killer" frenzy. First we had the photo and the name of the alleged offender dead by Jonny in Berlin, Onur U., paste over, because he is not yet convicted. Plus the killer Elias A. because he was underage. About half an hour later the poster of the criminal investigation was then completely confiscated. Reason: There was consultation with the Munich Public Prosecutor a "suspicion of sedition." Update: Now with video of confiscation The left Munich city machinery seems to pull the reins tight now. Only the many editions of the district administration Referates with speech halving time, volume reduction and capturing images and movie prohibition of counter-demonstrators. Now the seizure of this poster, which is already in use for almost two months and has never caused problems. Finally, it is only a small selection of estimated 3700 migrants murderers of Germans alone since 1990. Finally, we showed the subject last Saturday at our rally in heavily "enriched" Munich district Harthof: Here's the video of confiscation: Now obviously you are looking everywhere for ways to throw us stick between the legs. Not an hour after the poster was gone, I also received a call from already SZ-editor Bernd Kastner, who nowpublishes an article about it has. The communication between the Munich prosecutor's office and the Süddeutsche Zeitung seem to work beautifully:
Kastner misses an opportunity to move FREEDOM Bavaria in a bad light. The term "extremist" can not miss this course. That the SZ-mentioned man showing our awareness poster for hazardous cooperation of Islam with National Socialism shortened, as if we had shown positive Himmler, is a further indication of the one-sided propaganda campaign against the Alpine Pravda FREEDOM. This also fits the misrepresentation of the SZ , a manifestation of our participants had 23 March in Munich's pedestrian zone called:
We had to drag to court SZ, so at least this complete online prevarication was taken out. Although we had already passed one day after the publication of the press release SZ-editors of the Munich police headquarters that left one of the counter-demonstrators was that had geplärrt this scandalous Nazi slogan.And a proven Israel hater who likes to run around with a scarf on which the State of Israel, according to Hamas doctrine already eliminated. By the way, is also the father of the man Natalie P. be that reveals each newly aggressive Muslim at the rallies my home address. Certainly, that these true believers then show up to a cozy little chat with me. This daughter of a Jordanian and an extreme left Israel hater has internalized the worst human beings pretty much contempt that I have ever come under the eyes. The German Press Council our complaint in his letter of 20 June(characters 0211/13/2-BA) considered justified, but unfortunately waived a formal complaint. So we have to dig deeper here, because it can not go through that SZ was available online this misrepresentation and deliberately disregarding the facts more than five weeks. Another poster, which fed the police about a year ago on suspicion of sedition, again we have recently received, as the case was closed.Finally, there is a quote from the ethnic Turkish writer Zafer Senocak: Yesterday there was also detectives from the hectic demands because of this "Stop Sharia" flag: Who this "alliance" unless they wanted to know quite interested.Well, this is the French L'Alliance FFL , which works intensively to ban the Sharia. Behind this is including the serious Islam Recon Alain Wagner. The two-tier treatment of Muslims and non-Muslims, we have already shown yesterday . Some may show brutal pictures and movies at their rallies in Munich, the others have to tape over every little spot of blood on their posters. Some may offend with an outstretched middle finger, the others get for 2400, - Euro aufgebrummt punishment. Mark slid left our ongoing provocation "Fuck you, fuck you" out, and he was immediately with a fine of 450, - €. Muslims, however, may uncontrollably with "asshole", "fucking Jew", "idiot", "son of a bitch" etc. pp. defame, it is set by the Munich prosecutor everything. They want evidently sympathetic to the orthodox point and thus be part of the non-critical "welcoming culture" in Germany. I will present the various legal battles still in grave detail. Among other things, I was also the deputy chairman of the SPD Federal Andrea displayed the rumor, because of the integration of a "Haolam" poster in praise of the SPD over Fatah in the PI article "The seamless transition from NSDAP SED ". On Monday, one drags me because of a perceived insult to court officials. The background: I had done only that which traverse the left at our rallies for almost two years: leaflets distributed in this case in front of a cinema screening of Munich Greens ( here the detailed PI article here). I then got from the chief police post because of a "unannounced meeting". Note: Muslims and leftists can almost nothing in this city almost everything Islam Recon. I turned around and then walking away
told what the officials took as a personal insult, but what was not. I had rather meant by the statement the general inequality in Munich.I've never been convicted of libel, although we are bombarded almost two years of our opponents downright aggressive with defamation. But you obviously have absolutely wants me to court.According to the motto:
Who wants to support me in my work as a journalist in the fight against the whole twisted left city government together with its various organizational ramifications can do so here: Michael Stürzenberger Please no longer have the old account of Deutsche Bank, because they gave me for this account 16 July terminated. Please also rewrite standing orders. Specify as best use "support". Thank you! (Camera: Eye sand; Photos: Roland Henry & Michael Stürzenberger) Category: Islamic education , justice | byzantium , 10 July 2013 | Print | |Write a comment The comments on the articles do not reflect the opinion of the PI team again.We reserve the right to shorten or delete them. This also applies to comments that too much on the topic of the contribution vary (OT).Commentators who are against our policy violation, are blocked or placed under moderation. We ask our readers comments relevant to the PI team via the Contact form to report. Comments containing more than two links will automatically go into moderation. Support the work of PI. receive the latest by email: subscribe to the legal project's free mailing list Note: The content of external articles does not necessarily reflect the views of The Legal Project. |
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