Ezra Levant sued in "jihad chill" case
by Robert Sibley https://www.legal-project.org/639/ezra-levant-sued-in-jihad-chill-case Excerpt: Call it jihad through the courts. Once again Ezra Levant is under attack from Muslims who don't like the fact that he doesn't like Muslim extremists. Two years ago, as most every sentient Canadian knows, Levant, the former publisher of one of the few non-Leftist magazines in this country, The Western Standard, and Mark Steyn, a columnist for Maclean's magazine (and just about every other publication in the free world, it seems), were the targets of various human rights complaints. Levant was hauled before the Alberta Human Rights Commission for having the gall to publish cartoons some non-entity of an imam thought offensive to his faith. Steyn and Maclean's were the targets of three human rights complaints for daring to criticize Islamic extremists. Read the complete original version of this item... receive the latest by email: subscribe to the legal project's free mailing list Note: The content of external articles does not necessarily reflect the views of The Legal Project. |
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