A sporting chance for victims of Lawfare
by Alan A https://www.legal-project.org/698/a-sporting-chance-for-victims-of-lawfare Excerpt: When newspapers reported that Robert Dee, a British tennis player was "the worst professional tennis player in the world" after the sportsman had set a record for 54 straight-set losses on the international professional circuit he threatened to sue for libel. Like dominoes, iconic mastheads of British journalism toppled, issuing apologies and retractions. The Daily Mail wrote a cheque for £15,000; the Daily Express coughed up £5,000, and the BBC £12,500. Easy money. Swapping racquet for racket, and losing streak for windfall, the cheeky Dee crowed about his new-found success and is even posting copies of the incoming cheques on his website. But then The Daily Telegraph refused to back down and the issue went to court. The newspaper won. They report: Read the complete original version of this item... receive the latest by email: subscribe to the legal project's free mailing list Note: The content of external articles does not necessarily reflect the views of The Legal Project. |
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