CAIR's Well-Deserved Expulsion
Terrorism is only one expression of jihad — there are others as dangerous.
by Andrew C. McCarthy
National Review Online
March 24, 2009
A week ago, the FBI officially announced that it has cut ties with the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The self-styled civil-rights organization is characteristically squawking, but the FBI's move was patently overdue — so much so that we ought to be asking: Why on earth did the FBI have ties with CAIR in the first place?
While we should applaud the government for finally doing the right thing, we also must seize this moment to consider why this action was necessary, and what it says about the threat we are up against.
That threat is not, essentially, about terrorism. Given the life-and-death stakes involved, it is understandable that government is preoccupied by terrorism (or what Obama's homeland-security secretary, Janet Napolitano, absurdly calls "man-caused disasters"). But jihadist terror is merely the means to a specific end: the installation of sharia, the Islamic legal code, which Muslim fundamentalists regard as the necessary precondition for the achievement of Islam's universalist ambitions.
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