Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding to honor Reza Aslan, Board member of front group for Islamic Republic of Iran
by Robert Spencer https://www.legal-project.org/4052/tanenbaum-center-for-interreligious-understanding Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding to honor Reza Aslan, Board member of front group for Islamic Republic of IranHow clueless and compromised are this country's moneyed Leftist elites? This clueless and compromised: "The 2013 Tanenbaum Awards Honor New York Times Bestselling Author and Activist Reza Aslan and Philanthropic Leader FJC," PRWeb, April 29: New York—The Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding will honor New York Times bestselling author Reza Aslan and FJC, A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, at the 2013 Tanenbaum Award Ceremony, Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30 pm at The Plaza Hotel. No one could be more laughably inappropriate as a recipient of this award than Reza Aslan. Far from being a "moderate," Aslan is an Islamic supremacist who is a Board member of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC). NIAC has been established in court as a front group for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Aslan is an enemy of the freedom of speech, having called for the vandalism of our AFDI ads. Aslan's has tried to pass off Iran's genocidally-minded President Ahmadinejad as a liberal reformer and has called on the U.S. Government to negotiate with Ahmadinejad himself, as well as with Hamas -- that is, with two of the most barbaric, genocide-minded and murderous adherents of Sharia. Aslan has even praised the jihad terror group Hizballah as "the most dynamic political and social organization in Lebanon," as well as the anti-Semitic, misogynist, Islamic supremacist Muslim Brotherhood, which is dedicated in its own words, according to a captured internal document, to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within." Aslan wrote: "The Muslim Brotherhood will have a significant role to play in post-Mubarak Egypt. And that is good thing." He has not revised this view despite the Muslim Brotherhood regime's increasing authoritarianism and brutality toward its opponents, or its escalating persecution of Egyptian Christians. Dubensky says that his works "inform" about Islam. Here is how informative they are, courtesy Jihad Watch reader Traeh: How Reza Aslan whitewashes Muhammad's caravan raids Dubensky also says that Aslan's works promote "respect." I doubt that she is aware that toward those he hates, Aslan behaves like an obnoxious, immature and sexually conflicted frat boy who's had a few too many to drink. On the other hand, I doubt it would matter to her, because she would probably agree with him that those who do not share their world view or goals deserve no respect. And by the way, I do mean "moneyed Leftist elites": ticket packages for this event start at $350 and climb as high as $50,000. And they will rake it in, too, all the while whining about the supposedly well-heeled "Islamophobia industry." It is indicative of how people like Reza Aslan, laden with spurious honors and pocketing huge ill-gotten sums to lull adoring marks to sleep all over the country and the world, are aware that they are propagating lies: even though they have all the money and all the power, they are desperately afraid of a few truth-tellers who have neither their resources nor their reach. They are afraid to debate us or discuss our assertions honestly; instead, they instantly resort to smears and lies. They know that even without money and their bully pulpits, we show them up for what they are, and can topple their ugly little empires with a word. And so, in their fear and rage, they do all they can to defame and destroy us. Posted by Robert on May 4, 2013 6:12 PM| 96 Comments receive the latest by email: subscribe to the legal project's free mailing list Note: The content of external articles does not necessarily reflect the views of The Legal Project. |
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